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The World Is Square


About the Site


Linkage: Agitprop

Ad Busters-- Based in Vancouver, Ad Busters is an organization advocating a stronger awareness of advertising and the influence it exerts over everyday life. They're most famous for their ad parodies, "Buy Nothing Day", and a "guerilla act" two years ago, sneaking up into the rafters of The Mall of America and unveiling a 300-foot tall banner that exhorted shoppers to consider the commercialization of Xmas. Their website has a number of resource links, archives of their magazine, and more. The perfect resource for activists, culture jammers, and those looking to see what they can do locally and globally, to combat the growing influence of a consumer culture on everyday life. Originator of the famous "Question Mark" Flash spots, he's now launching a "Take Back The Media" campaign. Occasionally updates the news section with points of interest.

Counter-Exploitation-- A hub site for those looking to surf the 'net free from the restrictions of spy-ware, censor-ware,  and a treasure trove of articles and resources for the conscientious 'net user. They feature links to everything from free anonymous web gateways to how to track and report spammers and scammers.

Cursor-- A news portal that focuses on media criticism in general and links to news stories. op-eds, and articles reported in the mainstream press that you might not have even been aware of. Updated Monday through Friday.

Culture Jammer's Encyclopedia-- Definitely a labor of love that was created and is maintained by Dave Gross. It is hosted by the Idiosyntactix Strategic Arts and Sciences Alliance and is assisted by web surfers and culture jammers alike. Everything from billboard liberation to various Cacophony Societies, to the Quadro drug ``tracker'' scam, to Jello Biafra, to guerrilla theatre, to Abbie Hoffman, to Joey Skaggs' Cathouse for Dogs... not really so much an Encyclopedia OF Culture Jamming; it's more like an encyclopedia FOR Culture Jamming. With about an umpteen million links and counting, it will take you a VERY long time to get bored.

Guerrilla Filmmakers--  Here, you can see a wide selection of low-budget and experimental films, learn about the filmmakers, videographers, and documentarians.. and how you can submit your own shorts for possible distribution, too.

Michael Moore Online-- The official site of the man behind the documentaries Roger & Me, The Big One, and Bowling For Columbine, as well as the TV series "TV Nation" and "The Awful Truth". It also features a thriving BBS, a complete filmography, as well as regularly updated alerts from "Mike Office of Homeland Security".

The Memory Hole-- Taking its name from a term used in George Orwell's novel 1984, The Memory Hole is a website devoted to cataloguing, preserving, and passing on information that is either hard to find, not widely know, or in danger of being lost. The site places special emphasis on information that you're supposed to forget, or not "supposed" to know. 

Take Back The Media-- A web portal co-founded by the head of has launched a "Take Back The Media" Flash campaign, and uses the site as a portal detailing the continuing encroachment of corporate consolidation amongst every level of the media.

Tom Paine-- A website that serves as a "public interest journal". Taking its cue from its namesake, the site aims to broaden the public discourse by presenting views that get short shift (if any shrift at all) in mainstream media.



