
Personal Stuff

The World Is Square


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Stuff That Annoys Me:

Bigotry, and any other forms of prejudice. Why hate someone based solely on their race, religion or sexual preference, when you can get to REALLY know them and find ACTUAL reasons to hate their guts?

Dragon hunters.

The following trends in journals and journal based sites:
Mysteriously named links that give absolutely NO indication of where you're going. Like, say, clicking on "purple lemonade explosion" and reaching the design section.
Putting a journal up on the web... and then password protecting it! If you only want certain people to read your thoughts, there's this thing called "email".

Site design that suffers from the "Wired" syndrome-- hard to read fonts and clashing page colors.

The belief that if you just ignore a problem, it will just go away. And its converse, that if one actually discusses a problem, you'll somehow make it worse.

See here.

People who refer to the friends they have off-line as "IRL" (In Real Life). Yeah, like the somehow if they know a person online, they some how aren't real.

PeOPle WhO TyPe lIke tHIs.

Having to repeat myself.

Having to repeat myself.

False modesty. "Oh, no... my writing/athletic prowess/design/art that every says is good is actually just crap." Especially when they're leagues better than you.

When the toast lands butter side down. And you haven't swept the floor.

The attitude that atheist=amoral trash.

Unnecessary Use of Frames.

Anyone who spells the word cool "kewl".

Rush Limbaugh. And his "Ditto-heads". That's hilarious; they use the name "Ditto-heads" to revel in the fact that they're carbon copies of Rush.

Writer's block.

People who declare "This is a Link-free site". Like they're proud of it or something. What, do you want a medal?

Cry-in-your-beer country tunes.

Chris Wragge.

Death Metal.

Pointless Flame Wars.

Sitcoms and news shows that think it's cutting edge and accurate to represent everyone on the internet as potential thieves, rapists and the like.

Pointless Console/Game/System Wars.

People who set the MIDIs on a site to "autostart".

People who set the MIDIs on a site to "autostart" and then hide the controls.

People who don't try to make a difference... and apathy. Apathy gets annoying after a while.

Living from paycheck to paycheck.

Y'know that aftertaste ya get when ya drink orange juice and then brush your teeth? I HATE that.

People that feel the need to "test" their friends', family's or loved one's loyalty by pulling some sort of outrageous stunt.

People that say "Mind if I smoke?" and then light up without waiting for an answer.



