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Some of My Original Characters:

As a writer, I have created characters many and varied. And as an avid Role-Player, I've had to opportunity to play many different types of characters, as well. Each have an (I believe) interesting history behind them, as well. So let's get started, shall we?

Jarinar Callindeal Gildenfire and Toroth

Jarinar and Toroth are two characters that I created and write for in the Cafe Eblana War Zone, and you can find additional information on them at The Unofficial Cafe Eblana War Zone Companion Page.

The characters as they are now are much different than their first incarnation. The pair first showed up in a Dragonriders of Pern e-mail RPG that I attempted to participate in, when I had e-mail access, but no computer of my own. J'nar (pronounced juh-nahr) was a 23-yr. old apprentice dragon rider that was wingsecond in a Dolphin Hall Thread watch. He had a blue dragon named Toroth.

According to Pernese rules, though male dragonriders did have a full name (Jarinar), they took the honorific of a shortening of their name, in this case, J'nar. Toroth was so named because on Pern, all dragon's names ended in "th". I wanted to use "Torenth", but that name was taken. So, I settled on Toroth.

However, I never had to access or time to keep up with the story, and so, my character was recalled.

After I stumbled onto the Eblana War Zone, I decided to keep the names, but change the characters.

J'nar became Janar. And the 23-yr. old confident dragon rider was replaced with a 10 year old boy who possessed a mysterious and powerful type of magic called Aural Fire, and was also a Caller. He wasn't companions with Toroth with Toroth at the beginning, either. He went through a ritual Calling, and summoned what would be his familiar: A baby blue dragon named Toroth.

Much of Janar's history was developed slowly and in bits and pieces. His parents were killed in a raid by the a knight known as the Dark One when he was six years old. The hook that introduced the character to the War Zone was that he had attempted to attack the Dark One and had been captured.

Elements that seem, today, to be an integral part of of the character, such as as the origin of his powers in the family bloodline, his connection to Salvo/Lavos, and more... were not filled in until much later.

Janar (he prefers this to his full name, as it was how his younger cousin Lenaley pronounced it as a toddler) is a child who at times feels he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is in the middle of a vast struggle of power that he barely understands. And there is a struggle inside him as well. He is afraid of the immense amount of power inside him. There are times when he wished he could have no power, no important destiny, and just be a "normal" child. (I will admit, I have at times over-played this angsty part of him). But Janar also wants to know as much as he can about magic, in better hopes of understanding himself, and to be the great mage he fondly remembers his father as. But there is much that Janar has yet to learn... most importantly, to accept himself.

Janar has had visions and dreams throughout the adventure; and with some events happening and upcoming, he shall grow to be more confident. and sure of himself...but there are some things that he'll have to face that he'd rather not...

Toroth's personality in the War Zone story has changed greatly since he was first introduced.

At first, I portrayed Toroth as a mysterious, slightly aloof dragon. But after a short time, I grew dissatisfied with this way of writing for him. It didn't seem to fit the character at all. He was a yearling, after all. I slowly began to introduce aspect of his behavior that made him appear younger, and befit his age. His talk (well, actually, he communicates telepathically) is rather toddler-like, a far cry from his original vague mysticisms. (This was later explained that he was merely putting on airs) Also, Toroth has the playfulness and curiosity of a small puppy. Some of his mannerisms are quite puppy-ish: when walking, he often trots. He has a way of begging for something (usually food--he can hunt, but he's been spoiled as of late) dubbed The Look. Imagine a basketful of puppies looking up at you imploringly. Multiply that by five. You've got The Look. ^_^ And when puzzled, he has a habit of cocking his head to the side.

Toroth has been the source of comic relief for many of the events. He has the ability to teleport, but can never seem to get it quite right.. he always ends up falling on someone. Usually Locke. ^^ Ever since traveling with the group, he's developed a taste for ham, and will try to beg for some any chance he gets.

I've noticed something else interesting after writing stories with these characters for years. At first, Janar was the character I placed most of my personality into, with Toroth becoming a side character. Janar got a lot of my own insecurities and uncertainties that I was feeling at the time.

Now, Toroth has become the character I not only enjoy writing for the most, but have used large bits of my own personality (the optimism, the thirst for adventure, the goofy way of looking at the world) that I don't trot out as often.

As has been the case many times with Toroth, his declaration as this website's official mascot was a one-line joke initially, but now has proven to be one of the site's most popular features.



