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War Stories From CSR Trenches:

Hi. Before we start, let's get some legal stuff out of the way.  The opinions expressed herein are solely those of Shawn Struck and the kind contributors and IN NO WAY reflect those of Viacom Inc., Blockbuster, or any of it other employees and subsidiaries. The following gripes have been collected from CSRs all over the Internet, and assembled here, anonymously. I am merely reposting  them.

For those of you that care, I have not worked at Blockbuster Video in years. I am keeping this page up as a testament to the annoyances and etc. CSRs everywhere have  encountered while they worked at Blockbuster Video. This page is dedicated to all the CSRs and MODs that have to put up with the crap described below. We all understand each other? Good. Now.. onto the spite and malice! Mwahahahahahaha!

I don't go into my job expecting trouble. And I will admit, there are times when I am not feeling up to par; I could be tired, or have a cold. But I do my very best to to be friendly and respectful with all my customers. I chat, I joke, etc. I've been complimented many times on how helpful and friendly I've been. :) But I'm not a robot. I have feelings, too. And if you work in a job that requires you to interact with people, there are bound to be common things that happen that tick you off. Naturally, you can't show your feelings in front of the customer (though you can always wait until they're out the door and out of earsho-- Um, forget I said that. My boss could be reading this. ^^;; This WHOLE section is a joke, Lisa. Really. Eheheheh... )

Without further ado, I give you... THE LIST!


Customers that can't seem to understand that tapes that are BRIGHT RED are movies that are due back the next day, and that ALL OTHER tapes are five evening rentals. I mean, excluding those who may be colorblind, it's not that hard to tell the difference between RED and BLUE.

Customers unable to grasp this concept and then get mad when they are charged a late fee. Okay, besides all the videos that would be due back tomorrow are in a box that is bright RED, it also says right on the cover box:"Due Back Tomorrow by Midnight". Also, each CSR gives the day each video is due back at checkout. In case the customer somehow forgets during the long 5 second trek to the exit, there is a big sign , at EYE LEVEL, telling what day each tpe of movie is due back.

People that moan about late fees being so high. Well, bring back the the stinkin' movie on time!

Customers that expect a clerk to be a movie encyclopedia. "Okay.. there was this film.. I can't rember the title... and I'm not sure of the star.. Um, there were lots of explosions in it, though. What do you MEAN you can't find the title?"

Customers that grill the CSRs on policies set by didtribution. "Why don't you have this movie or that one? It's a classic!" When it's pointed out that we are on the lowest rung of the coporate ladder and have absolutely no say in what gets shipped where, they seem to still think a CSR is responsible.

When we're not treated with common courtesy. I've been whistled at, people have snapped their fingers at me, and more...

Struck's Law of Smugness: The more rude and sarcastic a customer is about how they returned a tape that is still out, the more likely it is in the glove compartment of their car.

People that can't seem to grasp that an Early Return Bonus is given for returning a video early. Typical exchange....
Customer: (Hands tape and Popcorn) I want my free popcorn.
CSR: Are you returning anything?
Customer: No.
CSR: Okay, you see, you get the free popcorn by returning this movie to the store before 8pm tomorrow.
Customer: I want the popcorn NOW, though.
(Sheeesh. Then buy the damn popcorn! Giving out this dinky little Early Return Reward before the movie is returned would tend to defeat the purpose doncha think? As a side note, we have since discontinued handing out popcorn for months, and now hand out candy and a package of chips... yet people still get upset that we "aren't doing the popcorn anymore". Feh.)

The tech support line that deals with our register system. It's just ever so much fun waiting 3+ hours to talk to a live human being... especially when those 3 are spent AFTER closing.

Customers that walk in 2 seconds before midnight (we close at midnight) and then take their damn sweet time getting their movies. Blah. Like we don't have homes to go to.

The stupid blockbuster/entertainment network promotional tapes that we must play continuously. Fft.. like we fool anybody but the most gullible into thinking that we have our own network. (I can just imagine some schmuck clicking furiously, thumbing through the TV Guide, and finally shouting, "Honey, I can't find the Entertainment Tonight/Blockbuster network! I don't understand-- the video store gets it!" ). Plus, the worst part is the vapid, intellectual vacuums, the premier talking heads Jen Carle and Chris Wragge. God... are THEY annoying!

Actually, I think Chris Wragge is MORE annoying. The others just blindly read the crappy copy that's given to them. But that's not good enough for Mr. Wragge... no he has to add his unbearably lame ad-libs. Dammit, Chris, pick a profession-- stupid media parrot, or stupid stand-up comedian!
(Note: Blockbuster has since revamped the format of its in-store promotional tapes. It no longer pretends to be a genuine TV network. And they replaced two intellectual vacuums with just one this time-- some VH1 host. While she does stupid ad-libs too, they are nowhere NEAR the level of annoying OR stupid as Wragge's.)

Customers that have you search the returned tapes, the two in-store return chutes, AND the drop box for the latest hot new movie... and then, when you finally find it, change their minds.

Two Words: Hey You.

People that take a video from a section, and leave it in another, totally inappropriate section (like say, putting a New Release in the bin of Barney dolls, or putting a video game back in the drama section) because they are too damn lazy to take 10 seconds to put a tape back where they found it.

People who return video games WITHOUT the instructions. What's up with that? What-- are they trophy pieces or something? I mean, you return the game, but keep the instructions-- that just deprives the next person to rent it the chance to be able figure out what to do.

Now, if there isn't a copy of a Guaranteed New Release Rental movie in the store when a customer wants it, to make up for the inconvenience, we issue a rain check for a free rental of that particular movie. Of course, our motto is Go Home Happy. And we're instructed to make sure that if it's at all possible to look for the movie the customer has requested... so they can get the movie. (And Go Home Happy. Can't forget that.) So, Mr-or-Miss Dedicated CSR searches the return stacks, the counter area, AND the Quik-Drop Box to find said movie.
Aha! Success! The CSR takes the sought-after movie, and hands it tothe customer that just requested it, and the following exchange ensues:
CSR: Here you go! A copy of [Guaranteed New Release]. Wasn't on the shelf, but I got you a copy out of the Drop Box.
Customer: Huh? You found a copy? So... we don't get a coupon for a free rental now?
Customer: Oh. I don't want it then.

Teen-age half wits that don't even know you and walk up to and ask for you to "hook them up" with free videos. count....their....change.

It bugs the hell outta we when people don't bother to read the coupon past the words "FREE". I'll be handed a coupon that says "Rent one movie, get 2nd free" and they'll bring up two movies. Or, you won't be fast enough in scanning out a coupon or at-the-register discount, and they'll start instructing you what the discount is for. Or even funnier, get all impatient after you scan the item, and then try to hurry you up as you go to scan then at-the-register-discount barcode.. like the coupon's gonna expire within the next 30 seconds. Another time, one woman asked me to explain what the coupon meant by "$2 dollars off any previously viewed movie over $5. I was at a loss as to how I could make it any clearer.

Kids that call every half hour to see if the latest game is in. Though it is a bit amusing when the kids try to disguise their voices each time.

Ah, but I am not the only one that has gripes about working at Blockbuster. There are OTHER disgruntled CSR out there, too. Such as the webmaster at Weird Stuff That Happens At Work-- The true stories of the...interesting... people that have graced the web mistress' store. And be sure to check out the "Monkey Movies" section. It's a scream!



